A Beginning

"But the great game went on at many levels, Death knew. And often it was hard to know who was playing. EVERY CAUSE HAS ITS EFFECT, he said aloud. So EVERY EFFECT HAS ITS CAUSE. He nodded at the Death of Rats. SHOW ME, said Death. SHOW ME A BEGINNING. "
- Tod (in Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time)

So, dies ist ein neues Projekt von ein paar Bloggern, alles Rollenspieler, Eskapisten, Nerds, Zombies, die ihre "normalen" Leser nicht mit unverständlichen Beiträgen verunsichern wollten. Diese Seite entstand als Ausgleich. Hier geht es ausschließlich um Pen&Paper, LARP und Gaming. Lesen auf eigene Gefahr! Viel Vergügen.

"Dear stupid Clodpool, I have learned everything. In the cup of the hand, there is no past, no future. There is only now. We have a great deal to do."
- Wen, the eternaly surprised (in Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time)

me 2

RPG Blog

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swift from the shadows - 14. Jan, 16:43
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swift from the shadows - 14. Jan, 16:35
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swift from the shadows - 8. Nov, 13:55



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